Welcome! 中央卡罗来纳技术学院(CCTC)很高兴你能加入我们的泰坦大家庭! 无论你是第一次上大学, 为你的下一个职业做准备, 准备转到或从另一所大学, 或者想上一两门课, CCTC是您学习的伙伴.





You are a First-Time freshman if you have never attended a college after completing high school or a GED.


A Returning Student is a student who attended CCTC but has not attended for one year or more. 一些返校学生可能需要在返校前与财务援助顾问会面.


A Transfer Student is a student who has attended a different college or university and never attended CCTC.



The 双澳门赌钱线上平台计划 is when a high school student is also enrolled in college while earning high school and college credit. CCTC在周围的四个县地区提供双重澳门赌钱线上平台计划:克拉伦登, Kershaw, 李和萨姆特与高中合作, 私立学校, 特许学校和家庭学校协会.


军人和他们的家人对我们很重要, CCTC在这里帮助你开始和继续你的教育,实现你的个人目标. 我们通过学院提供的服务为您提供成功所需的一切. Visit 军人和家属 了解更多信息.

合资格的服务成员, veterans, and dependents must receive approval from an Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within the 军事 Service before applying and enrolling. Follow the appropriate guidelines to apply and for using your branch of service educational benefits and status. 

CCTC maximizes the use of your educational benefits by offering in-state tuition to our Active Duty Service Members and their dependents stationed in South Carolina. 另外, United States Air Force Active Duty Service Members and their dependents stationed at Shaw Air Force Base are eligible for additional reduced tuition. 现役军人及其家属必须填写并提交 现役军人验证表 or the 军人家属核实表格. 如需更多帮助,请致电803-778-7812联系澳门赌钱线上平台协调员.

Honorably discharged Retired Veterans and their dependents who meet residency requirements are also eligible for instate tuition. Students who may be eligible for Veterans’ Affairs benefits should 请致电803-778-7845澳门赌钱线上平台的VA代表获取更多信息.

Once you complete your education benefits requirements, submit your application for admissions.


Students that are attending another college but what to take a class or two at CCTC are considered Transient Students.

临时学生不需要提交任何成绩单或考试成绩. Contact your advisor at your home institution to request a form to permit you to take your desired courses at CCTC. 临时表格可以通过电子邮件发送到 admissions@achador.net 或传真至803-778-6696.



A student taking classes for personal or professional reasons is a Non-degree Seeking Student. This may include courses being taken for a career or as a course for a future program of study.

Non-degree Seeking Students must meet the prerequisites, if any, for the courses they wish to take. 没有经济援助提供给非学位学生.

Senior Citizens taking classes for personal or professional development is a Non-degree Seeking Student. CCTC使用基础学费减免,在可用空间的基础上提供课程.


完成您的申请是快速和容易的! 遵循这5个简单的步骤,你就会成为一个巨人.  


完成免费在线申请 here

选择“Sign Up”创建用户名(电子邮件地址)和密码. 请使用您经常访问的电子邮件地址. 

Do not enter an email address on your application different from the one you use to set up your account. 这将阻止您重新登录到应用程序.


When your application is submitted, your admissions coordinator will process your application. 他们会通过电子邮件联系你,让你知道下一步该怎么做.

你可以随时查看你的申请 泰坦启动传送门. 使用您为应用程序创建的相同登录信息进行登录. 

申请只适用于已完成的学期. Students returning after one year may be required to complete a new application and meet with a 金融 aid counselor before returning.

如果你有任何问题,请发邮件 webapps@achador.net 或致电803-778-7812.


参观 泰坦启动传送门 看你的欢迎信,决定信,和你的学习计划的信息. Other helpful links to important student support services and any checklist items can be seen. 

你也会发现这很重要 泰坦下一步. Your 泰坦下一步 is where you find your Student Identification Number, myCCTC username, and student email address. 您将需要访问您的myCCTC帐户或CCTCgo来注册课程.

我们建议您在设置好myCCTC账户后再使用. 在这里,您可以看到有关您的大学帐户的信息和重要更新. 


你的澳门赌钱线上平台协调员会把你的学术顾问的名字发给你. 您将与您的学术顾问会面,讨论考试和选课的问题. 在与你的学术顾问会面后,他们会帮你注册课程.

如果您有咨询问题,请发电子邮件 asc@achador.net 或致电803-774-3310.


在网上申请经济援助 www.studentaid.gov. You must submit your official final high school transcript or GED transcript to receive 金融 aid. 我们提供助学金,贷款,奖学金和南卡罗来纳州彩票学费援助. 一旦你完成了FAFSA(免费申请联邦学生援助), 查看您的myCCTC帐户或CCTCgo的财务援助更新.

如果您有疑问,请致电803-778-7850或电子邮件联系财务援助办公室 finaid@achador.net. 如果你有资格享受退伍军人事务福利, 请致电803-778-7845澳门赌钱线上平台的VA代表获取更多信息.


Attend 新生迎新 了解更多澳门线上赌钱官网学生服务的信息, 第一学期的活动以及如何成为一名成功的学生. Continue to visit your myCCTC account to access important information about 新生迎新 event registration. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学生生活协调员803-774-3336或电子邮件 studentlife@achador.net.


我们邀请您来探索CCTC 自己看吧! The best way for you to see if 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 is the right place for you is to visit the campus for yourself! 我们为感兴趣的学生和社区提供校园参观体验. 来看看你能完成什么!

除报名高峰期外,Titan校园参观体验全年开放, 期中和期末考试, 毕业, 学校假期, 还有其他特殊的日子. 为了更好地适应您和您的团队,参观必须提前安排.


Take a guided virtual tour with a Titan focused on a program of interest and an opportunity to talk to admissions staff. Titan引导的虚拟校园体验将于周三在Zoom上进行预约. Schedule your virtual experience today by clicking the link below and selecting your preferred date! 澳门线上赌钱官网调度选项的问题可以直接到 tour@achador.net.



Come and take a first look into the many exciting opportunities offered at 中央卡罗莱纳技术学院. 在主校园参观期间, 你将了解这些设施, 如何完成录取和助学金流程, 以及中央卡罗莱纳技术学院提供的各种学生活动.

Schedule your visit today by clicking the link below and selecting your preferred visit date based on the size of your group! 澳门线上赌钱官网调度选项的问题可以直接到 tour@achador.net.



你完成了中央卡罗来纳技术学院的录取程序了吗, 想更深入地了解你选择的学习项目吗? 那么,泰坦VIP体验就是为你准备的! 被录取的学生将参加由泰坦VIP体验团队带领的独特体验, 看到大学和他们的学习计划, 与澳门赌钱线上平台和财政援助部门会面, 和我们一起吃午饭. (长度3-4小时)

The 泰坦VIP体验 只能预约吗. 被录取的学生必须至少提前一个月或30天注册,以安排他们的课程 泰坦VIP体验,每位学生只限两位客人. 13岁以下儿童不得参加.

请选择你的 泰坦VIP体验 below (只限录取学生):

不能在校园里做? 浏览我们的虚拟之旅 HERE!

有关无障碍或特殊住宿的更多信息,而参观我们的校园, 请透过电邮联络我们 tour@achador.net.
(803) 778-7812



中央卡罗莱纳技术学院 is an “open door” institution serving the educational needs of all who can benefit from its courses and programs. 中卡罗莱纳尽一切努力减少地理差异, 金融, 以及学院提供的课程和服务的学术障碍. A high school diploma (or GED 证书) is not a prerequisite for college admission but is required for selected program admission and all forms of 金融 aid.

The definition of “open door admission” implies the college’s commitment to assess student potential and to provide appropriate developmental/transitional courses that will prepare students for collegiate level courses and programs. 该定义进一步暗示与认证机构和委员会一致, 一些副学士学位课程可能要求学生拥有有效的高中文凭, GED, 证书, and/or demonstrate their ability to make satisfactory progress in a given course or program admission.



  • You must be at least 18 years old or possess a high school diploma from an accredited high school or GED 证书. 非高中毕业生可以通过适当的考试成绩进入大学. 为了获得经济援助,必须提供高中或GED成绩单. 欲了解更多信息,请联系澳门赌钱线上平台办公室.
  • 如果你在家接受过教育, you must contact the 澳门赌钱线上平台 Office for specific admissions guidelines and procedures for homeschooled students.
  • 如果你的年龄在16到18岁之间,或者已经从高中辍学, you must obtain written permission from the high school principal in the area in which you reside.
  • 如果你申请副学士学位课程, 你必须提交一份正式的高中成绩单或GED证书的证明. 官方成绩单必须在第一学期结束时存档.
  • Meet 居留权和合法居留要求.

通过电子邮件联系澳门赌钱线上平台 admissions@achador.net. 你也可以通过电话联系各个校区的澳门赌钱线上平台办公室:

FE Dubose的新电话号码是11.2.23